3rd Nanyang International Music Competition 2021


Arranged by the NAFA School of Music, the third Nanyang International Music Competition offers a platform for musicians to project themselves and reach higher standards of overall performance; foster musical trade inside a supportive network; and inspire musicians to locate deeper which means in their 'musicking' method. The Western Music Division competition will be organized in stay and virtual formats from 13 to 19 July and the Chinese Music Division competition may be held honestly from 19 to twenty-five July. Encouraged by means of the response and achievement of our inaugural competition in 2017, continue to forge on with the equal vision and reason in third NIMC. They are heartened to see the participation for this opposition have attracted aspiring musicians and professionals from exceptional international locations coming collectively to research and benefit precious enjoy. This 12 months, NIMC have brought in a new class; violin and cello, to the opposition to invite younger violinists and cellists to showcase and leap forward personal barriers to attain abilities which can handiest be performed by dedicated effort. In doing so, NIMC desire that this will undertake the musicians to scale new heights in their musical performance!