Cariappa Memorial Park


The fabulous attraction is a wide man-made 27-foot waterfall located on left side of the park. To upgrade the physical strength and mental co-appointment of youngsters, the play areas are made in military style. The park has a small cascade with a lake which attracts a great deal of birds. The park has a passageway square and a seven feet solid landmark of Cariappa. Six military bands play out each fortnight. The grassy dunes around the bandstand give open to seating to the general population. The nursery is kept up by various divisions of the Army. Around 3000 species of plants and trees both indigenous and imported can be found here. The park has a play territory for kids. Around 3000 species of indigenous and imported plants and trees can be found in the park. A seven-foot solid statue of Cariappa can also be seen here. The park is available to public on the entire days between 5:30 pm and 8 pm aside from Saturdays and Sundays. On that day the timings are 1 pm to 7 pm and 9 am to 7 pm respectively.