Durlston Country Park and National Nature Reserve


Durlston Castle and Country Park, situated 1 mile from Swanage in Dorset, is a splendid 320 acre nation-state paradise. At this National Nature Reserve you may locate dramatic sea-cliffs, coastal limestone downland, haymeadows, hedgerows and forest. With beautiful views, on foot trails, the ancient Great Globe, brilliant geology, captivating flora and fauna and Durlston Castle, there's usually some thing exceptional to see and do. Durlston is a gateway to the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site which runs from Exmouth inside the west to Old Harry Rocks at Ballard Down simply north of Swanage. The Park is also specified as Heritage Coast, Special Area of Conservation, Site of Special Scientific Interest, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and National Nature Reserve. Offshore waters are part of the Marine Research Area. This makes Durlston and the encompassing location a totally special region for flora and fauna and geology. The Victorian Castle has been wonderfully restored and is completely handy - you’ll discover a historical timeline connecting the automobile park to the castle, telling you the story of the Park. Durlston’s darkish skies make it perfect vicinity to look the sun gadget, celebrity clusters, galaxies and meteor showers.