Labrador Nature Reserve


Tourists can traverse through the coastal promenade by walking, or use a bicycle towards Keppel Harbour, experience the mangrove forests along Berlayer Creek, see the relics from the 2nd World War, or have a fun with barbequed meals. With the idyllic surroundings, soothing sound of the sea lapping the shore and scent of the cool sea breeze, Comchest Green delivers a quieting impact, assisting with diminishing depression, stress and tension. Including a rich assortment of verdure, Labrador Nature Reserve promises to charm nature lovers. Birds, spiders and thousands of insects, some too small to even consider being seen, all live in this rich forest, working in congruity to keep it self-sustaining natural surroundings. Containing the lone rough sea-bluff on the principle island of Singapore, Labrador Nature Reserve provides visitors with amazing views of the sea. Hear the beating of the waves and feel the breeze in your hair as you stand at the bluff's edge. Students, particularly, will learn from the educational terms of these war relics that are now covered by natural forest. The military installations were developed on the highest peak inside the nature reserve.