The Arts House


For history buffs looking to learn about the country’s colonial past, The Arts House Singapore is a must-visit for them and tourists on a budget – here entry is free. Intuitive exhibition empowering visitors to immerse in the arts scene of Singapore, to see the latest works of neighborhood artists, and to find out about Singapore improvement in the course of the last 50+ years. Extraordinary selfie opportunity in the seat of the first Prime Minister of Singapore is a bonus. During the day the spot is open and free, and usually not busy – you can practically have everything to yourself (and a security monitor). Take a couple of moments to look round. This structure's savvy design combines enchant of pilgrim engineering with the closeness of a private residence. It is interesting to take note of that it has always kept "House" in its name, obviously that is the way this structure started. That is also the impression it will give you as you enter and stroll around its numerous rooms. You'll see that the rooms all have names connected to their historical legacy.