This unbelievable musical comedy from artist of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, and Bobby Lopez co-writer of Avenue Q and Frozen, follows the misfortunes of an unparallel pair of missionaries, sent on a task to a spot that is probably as a long way from Salt Lake City as you can get. Currently with sold out creations in London, North America, on Broadway, The Book of Mormon, Melbourne and Sydney has gain overall sensation. Three pointer Parker, Robert Lopez and Matt Stone's Tony Award-winning melodic parody chronicling the misfortunes of two Mormon ministers in a distant town in northern Uganda, where the residents have more squeezing worries at the forefront of their thoughts than tuning in to their evangelism. The melodic is perhaps the most economically fruitful ever, and won nine Tony grants, including Best melodic. The New York Times calls it 'The best melodic of this century.' The Washington Post says, 'It is the sort of evening that reestablishes your confidence in musicals.' And Entertainment Weekly raves, 'Evaluation A: the most amusing melodic ever.' It's The Book of Mormon, the nine-time Tony Award and four-time Olivier winning Best Musical.
The Book of Mormon