The Saudi Arabian Gardens of Riyadh


The Saudi Arabian Gardens of Riyadh offer a beautiful escape from the fast pace and tall buildings that define this city. Designed by King Abdulaziz Al Saud in the 1930s, these gardens are home to many species of plants as well as art pieces imported from all over Europe. Visitors can enjoy a picnic or simply relax on one of the benches alone or with friends and family while enjoying views of both formal gardens and natural areas within them. The garden is also home to an outdoor pool open during warm months for those who want to cool off after spending time among nature's beauty. The Saudi Arabian Gardens of Riyadh provide visitors an oasis away from the busy streets outside their gates where they can enjoy a relaxing day among nature's beauty. The Saudi Arabian Gardens of Riyadh were built in the early 20th century. They are a popular attraction for many visitors to Riyadh, and can be found on the outskirts of town near King Fahad Road. The gardens have an oasis-like feel, with palm trees dotting the landscape and water fountains throughout. There is also a museum located inside one of the buildings that houses artifacts from ancient civilizations such as Rome and Greece. The Saudi Arabian Gardens of Riyadh offer something for everyone - whether you're looking to enjoy some quiet time or catch up on history, this garden has it all!